Tue, 30 September 2014
Are you successful in network marketing and considering selling a coaching program? This audio will help you with the good and bad parts and my best advice. |
Mon, 29 September 2014
Today is a special podcast where I share two thoughts, check it out if you dig my training. |
Sun, 28 September 2014
In a network marketing company and wondering if you should jump ship? This audio wil help you know what to know before you do that |
Sat, 27 September 2014
Should you focus on learning marketing or hammer away at prospecting? This will help |
Fri, 26 September 2014
Found the perfect opportunity but now need to find a sponsor? This will help |
Thu, 25 September 2014
Ever have your mentor or upline let you down, listen in as I share some advice on this topic |
Wed, 24 September 2014
Are you in network marketing and had someone ask you how many people YOU have enrolled or even how much money have YOU made? This will help |
Tue, 23 September 2014
Ever wonder how to create a training environment for your network marketing team? This will help
Direct download: tuesday_Creating_a_Training_Environment.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EDT |
Mon, 22 September 2014
Ever get pitched a network marketing company from someone else? This is how to say no |
Sun, 21 September 2014
Want to invite someone to your next network marketing webinar? This free training should help! |
Sat, 20 September 2014
Wondering what to text your prospect to get them interested in your network marketing business? Listen in as I share my thoughts |
Fri, 19 September 2014
Wanna know what to email your list about your network marketing business opportunity? Listen in as I share a powerful email script with you. |
Thu, 18 September 2014
Is it better to meet someone in your office or theirs? Listen in as I share how to be more effective with your network marketing presentations. |
Wed, 17 September 2014
Do you have negative people on your team or even wanting to join your team? Listen in as I share how to handle them. |
Tue, 16 September 2014
Would you like to generate more traffic to your network marketing opportunity, listen in as I share my opinions and a simple program too. |
Mon, 15 September 2014
Ever blow it with your network marketing prospect and then run into them somewhere, here's my suggestion on what to say |
Sun, 14 September 2014
Do you have (or want to have) people in other countries in your network marketing business but don't know how you would train them? This will help |
Sat, 13 September 2014
Ever approached a hitter about your network marketing business but you know you blew it? This will help with the re-approach |
Fri, 12 September 2014
Ever wish you could press the reset button on your network marketing business? YOU can, this will share with you how to do that |
Thu, 11 September 2014
Here's a quick audio on gaining confidence in the network marketing profession. Check it out and share with your team |
Wed, 10 September 2014
A network marketer asked me about WHEN to form an LLC or corporation for their business, listen in to my quick answer |
Tue, 9 September 2014
A fellow network marketer asked me who my ideal prospect is, I share that and more in this short audio |
Mon, 8 September 2014
Curioous if you can build your network marketing team using the Internet, we have and here's how. |
Sun, 7 September 2014
Do you want to become a rock of confidence inside network marketing AND increase your influence? Listen in to this short audio! |
Sat, 6 September 2014
Have a network marketing team that isn't doing anything? Here's how to motivate and inspire them! |
Fri, 5 September 2014
In network marketing and not sure how to handle the reaching back out to prospects? Listen to this short audio to improve your MLM recruiting. |
Thu, 4 September 2014
Are you in network marketing and have a blog? Wanna know where to post that blog to get more leads and traffic? Listen in |
Tue, 2 September 2014
Want to become a better public speaker? Listen in on my story of how I went from terrified of public speaking to speaking in front of audiences as big as 6,000 people. |
Mon, 1 September 2014
Have some MLM leads that are telling you they want to join but aren't? This short audio will help you push them OFF the fence! |